Sephirot Device balances out
not only all 7 of your chakras, but assists in activating the 10 emanations of
the Kabalah Tree of Life. This is a VERY powerful tool, to be used by those who
are ready to open up to all of their virtues. Incredibly useful for healers and
those working in the healing and creative arts. This device will cleanse you out,
so be ready for tremendous transformations to take place after meditating with
this disc for a while. You can use this device on your clients, simply by placing
it on that body part which needs healing. Once you do so, you will be able to
open a gateway to their subocniousnes and various thoughts will arise for them
to release, various emotions will come up in order to heal whatever is ailing
them. From Anna "However, I also asked if any other tools that I presently
have will work, and turns out that Natalya’s recent creation which is called
the “Sephirot Device”, that she sent to me roughly 3 weeks ago will work just as
well. Her tool is infused with Seraph’s energies, as she was visited by a
Seraph to create this device. When I tuned into this device and the first time I
held it in my hand I cried and cried with immense relief, I then felt as if I
was taken to see my home yet again. It was such an amazing experience, where
everything just fell away for a moment and I was able to experience being myself
again, the real true me with all of my benevolent healing powers and light emanating
every which way. It only lasted for a few minutes as I had to get back to earth
J But
whenever I would use this tool in my healing and mediations I felt all of my
chakras activate.
So, when I asked I was told that this tool is made out of
quartz, copper and the image of a Seraph and Sephirot. The image that you see
on this tool as you can see here is of a Seraph and weaving an intricate design of the portal into the ethers. The gemstones that are placed
on the tool are the ones that balance all 7 of your chakras (Amethyst, Smokey quartz, Citrine, Blue Topaz, Peridot, Green onyx ,Garnet ) combining to
create a kaleidoscope of lights, activating a rainbow frequency within your
being allowing you to connect to activate the 10 emanations of the Three of Life.
Sephirot meaning emanations, are
the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals himself and continuously creates
both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms (Seder
hishtalshelus). The term is alternatively
transliterated into English as Sefirot/Sefiroth,
singular Sephirah/Sefirah etc. These attributes are
Chokhmah- "Wisdom"
2 Binah-
3 Daat-
Conscious emotions(Primary
4 Chesed- "Kindness"
5 Gevurah-
6 Tiferet-
(Secondary emotions:)
7 Netzach - "Eternity"
8 Hod- "Glory"
9 Yesod- "Foundation"
(Vessel to bring action:)
10 Malkuth - "Kingship"" Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sephirot
CLEANSING /USE OF DEVICE: This tool does not require
grounding, however it must be cleansed via a satellite of salt. Placed next to
salt lamp, and/or a salt bath. Placing this tool on top of salt for 2 hours
shall suffice. You can also place it on a bed of other crystals such as amethyst
or citrine for clearing and purification. Each time you use this device with a
client you must cleanse it for 2 hours prior to using it on another client.
This Device will project the information that arises and will hold some of said
information, hence it’s incredibly important to cleanse it frequently.
